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Autumn Tokens Pattern

New & Improved


This​​ year, we've improved our program with a new academic lead, Ms. Fayza Aly, who will develop various activities to help students absorb and remember their lessons. She will also lead a Wednesday Kahoot to review what they've learned in game format. In addition, we will be having five activities that will make NextGen memorable for our kids. 

• Kids grades 1-5


• Fiqh, sira, & activities


• Starts Sep 15 - Dec 15


• 10am - 1pm


•  No class Sep 22 & Dec 1


• Activities:

Horseback riding



Art day

Sports day


• Coordinator: Menna Elzoghaby


Academic lead: Fayza Aly


• Contact:


• $400/term​​

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