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The Odds Against Life

Why is 'randomness' an acceptable scientific conclusion but 'intelligence' not? The appearance of design in the universe is becoming more apparent the more we study it.

In 1966, physicists had two criteria for a planet to support life: The right kind of parental star and a planet just the right distance away from that star. That's not that much. It inspired scientists to search for alien life. Scientists hoped to pick up radio signals for coded intelligence, but the silence from the universe was disappointing.

Since 1966, the necessary parameters for life grew from 2 to 10 to 50 to now 200 specific conditions [and counting]. As a result, the chances of life, as we know it, existing out there in the universe keeps decreasing and decreasing and decreasing.

Here are just a few conditions needed:

- A spiral galaxy. Only 6% of known galaxies are spiral.

- The planets around it have to do their job too. They must shield the Earth from asteroids, yet not block the sun. For example, Jupiter shields the Earth from asteroids, such as the one from July 1994 but must not be big enough to disturb the planet’s orbit.

- The orbits should be circular, not elliptical. Otherwise, the planet would get too close or too far from the sun.

Our solar system is the only known one with nice, circular orbits that allow for even and balanced seasons that we can all survive in.

- It must have an Ozone layer to absorb the sun's ultra violet rays.

- The Ocean to Continent ratio must be in tact.

- A moon of the right size and distance. The moon's mass is 1.2% of that of the earth and is the causes the ocean has high tides and low tides. If ocean water did not move, it would decay in stillness, among other harms.

- The earth's crust must be the right thickness. If it was too thick, it would absorb too much oxygen and disallow for recycling. If it were too thin, then volcanic and tectonic activity would become too intense.

All of these are necessary factors for life to survive and thrive. Many of these factors are dependent upon one another and so a dependency factor must be accounted for. The probability of a planet having just thirty-two of these conditions is one in a Tredecillion, or one followed by forty-two zeros. For the sake of visualization, that’s 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance!

If it was a matter of chance, then one would have to flip a coin and get 'heads' one octillion times in a row.

When exactly will the scientific community re-admit intelligence as a scientific conclusion? Commenting on the complexity of the universe, Dr. John Lennox, University Professor of Mathematics at Oxford said, “The more we get to know about our universe, the more the hypothesis that there is a Creator gains credibility as the best explanation of why we are here.”

---by Ahmed G.


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