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الحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ والصَّلاةُ والسَّلامُ على رسولِ اللَّهِ وعلى آلِهِ وصَحْبِهِ ومَن والآه

وبعدُ، فإن هذا بيانٌ وجيزٌ في حكم النِّقاب وسَترُ الوجه في المذهب المالكي.

١ النقابُ تغطيةُ الفمِ والأنفِ بأي طريقة. 

٢ حكم انتقابِ المرأةِ الكراهيةُ.

٣ عِلَّةُ كراهيةِ الانتقابِ الغلو.

٤ الغلوُ زيادةٌ في الدِّينِ، وهنا بمعنى القول أن وجه المرأة عورة يجب ستره مطلقاً. 

٥ تُرفعُ الكراهَةُ إن كانت عادةَ قومٍ.

٦ تُرفعُ الكراهَةُ إيضاً عند وجود الفتنة.

٧ وفي هذه الحالة، سترتْ المرأةُ وجهها (ندباً أو وجوباً) مخاقةَ الفتنة، لا لكونها عورة.

The following is a summary of niqab and facial covering the Maliki school.

To begin, this is a far'i and ijtihadi issue in which there will be opinions and ikhtilaf that must be respected. Matters of opinion are not subject to inkar, outrage, disrespect, or breaking the bonds of ukhuwwa. For example, not all of my elders and colleagues whom I approached with this summary, agreed with all of what is listed here, and I respect their conclusions. What is upon each of us is to seek out which muftis who are most worthy of following and the opinions that are the most correct, as in our Lord's saying, "Those who listen to the speech and follow the best of it." Here, Allah implies that there will be multiple good statements and that upon us is to follow what is best. Matters of opinion are best approached with consultation, as an individual by himself has biases, pre-conceived notions, and limitation.  Towards this end, I have listed those who checked and affirmed that the following summary as an authoritative, relied upon reflection of the Maliki madhhab on the subject of niqab. The mas'ala has been broken down into seven points:

1 Niqab is the coverage of the mouth and the nose (be it by wrapping from side to side or be draping a pinned cloth)

2 The ruling on niqab is discouragement.

3 The reason for the discouragement is ghuluw.

4 Ghuluw is defined as excess in the religion (in this case, excess in what is held to be the ‘awra of a woman).

5 The discouragement is lifted if face covering is the custom of a people.

6 The discouragement is also lifted in the case of fitna.

7 In such a case, the face may be covered, either by draping a cloth over the face or wrapping it from side to side, out of fear of fitna, not because it is ‘awra.

This summary was checked and confirmed by:

Sh Mahmoud Shabieb, Cairo, Ma'had al-Majd

Sh Rami Nsour, California, Tayra Foundation

Sh Murabit Benevidez, New York, Darul Fath

Harun Saleh, New Jersey, Darul Fath

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